Editions:Paperback - Fourth Edition: $ 36.99 AUD
ISBN: 9781922584014
Size: 140.00 x 216.00 cm
Pages: 424
Paperback - Fourth Edition: $ 29.99 USDSize: 140.00 x 216.00 cm
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781922584014
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
Paperback - Fourth Edition: £ 19.99 GBPSize: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781922584014
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
Hardcover - Fourth Edition: $ 49.99 AUDSize: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781922584038
Size: 140.00 x 216.00 cm
Pages: 424
Hardcover - Fourth Edition: $ 39.99 USDSize: 140.00 x 216.00 cm
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781922584038
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
Hardcover - Fourth Edition: £ 27.99 GBPSize: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781922584038
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
ePub - Fourth Edition: $ 11.99 AUDSize: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9781922584021
Pages: 424
Pages: 424
Rowland S. Ward's guide has served as an invaluable resource for many wishing to understand the rich theological tapestry of the Westminster Confession. In this revised and expanded volume, Ward has sought to bring further clarity to, and appreciation for, this great summary of doctrinal truth. If you are looking for an easy to read exposition of the Confession with sharp analysis of its contents and relevant discussion questions -- look no further.
Selected Endorsements:
- “Rowland Ward’s The Westminster Confession of Faith: A Study Guide has, in its various editions, been a constant and indispensable companion to me for a quarter century as I have taught the Westminster Standards in the seminary and church. There is really no modern commentary like it. If you have Robert Shaw, A.A. Hodge, Chad Van Dixhoorn, and Rowland Ward on the Confession, you really have the core library you need to unlock and apply the riches of the Confession’s articulation of the Christian faith. I am thrilled that a new edition is coming back into print. Dr. Ward continues to improve an already superb and supremely helpful resource. The concision and accuracy of the theological background and summary that Ward provides, as well as the balance and insight of his historical and theological assessments, make this a “go to” volume for people who want to know what the Assembly intended in their formulations. I have pointed pastors, professors and students to this book for 25 years, and I will be recommending this edition in the years to come.”
- Dr. Ligon Duncan | Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology.
- “While older commentaries on the Confession are standard, there is a freshness about Rowland Ward's Study Guide that appeals immediately. Its information is up-to-date, and takes account of modern formulation of biblical doctrines. It is also designed as a study guide, which makes it suitable for group use as well as for individuals. Anyone looking for a good introduction and reliable guide to the Confession should get this book.”
- Dr. Allan M. Harman | Research Professor of Old Testament, Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne, Australia.
- "In the rapidly changing times in which we live, it is more important than ever that Christians are catechized in the whole counsel of God. And there is surely no better way of doing this than studying the great creeds and confessions of the past. Yet often these documents can seem alien and obscure to the contemporary mind. That is why it is so useful to have reliable guides to their teaching. Rowland Ward is one such, and this book is the fruit of a lifetime of believing and teaching biblical truth as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith. A great tool for personal and group study, and a sound handbook for ministers."
- Dr. Carl Trueman | Professor of Biblical & Religious Studies Lecturer at Grove City College, Pennsylvania.
- "There are several very useful study guides to the Westminster Confession of Faith currently available, but Rowland Ward’s volume stands apart. Dr Ward combines an acute theological mind and a warm pastoral heart, both of which contribute to this updated version of his widely used study of the Confession. The Westminster Divines, with their deep biblical knowledge and reverent submission to the Scriptures, produced one of the greatest summaries of doctrine in the history of the Christian Church. Most readers, however, need help to mine these riches, and that is where this study guide comes into its own. Dr Ward has a thorough grasp of the debates in the Assembly which lie behind the text of the Confession and makes good use of this knowledge to expound each chapter of the Confession. He knows too that these truths are to be lived out and so doctrine is applied with wisdom and grace. All in all, this is an excellent resource both for personal study and also for the instruction of those who want to understand and be transformed by the Word of God."
- Dr. David McKay | Professor of Systematic Theology, Ethics and Apologetics at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast, and minister of Shaftesbury Square Reformed Presbyterian Church, Belfast.
- "When our church's Adult Sunday School class did a series on the Westminster Confession of Faith a couple of years ago we did this in conversation with a couple of handpicked resources that aided us in our study. Dr Rowland Ward's The Westminster Confession of Faith: A Study Guide, with its modernized text and brief yet precise commentary, was one of the resources that we constantly engaged with and learned from throughout the the two years of our study. Drawing upon scripture, tradition, and history, Dr Ward explains the doctrines behind the text succintly and plainly without sacrificing theological accuracy and pastoral warmth. This excellent study, now made even better with fresh updates, is perfect for equipping classes, Bible study groups, or even for personal study. I commend it to pastors and to their churches everywhere."
- James Bryner Chu | Minister of Pilgrim Community Church, Quezon City, Philippines.
- "The Westminster Confession of Faith may be venerable, but it’s by no means outdated. There are compelling reasons for studying the Confession of Faith today, and Rowland Ward’s excellent Study Guide is second to none in providing help for that healthy exercise. In an age of obsessive individualism, subjectivism and shallow thinking, the Confession provides clear, balanced and Bible-based direction in doctrine and life. Dr Ward writes clearly, and with compelling brevity and wise moderation. He is concerned to address the issues and questions that face the churches today – and has wisely updated the Confession’s language without altering its substance. Highly recommended, not just for students and church leaders, but for all thoughtful Christians."
- Dr. John Nicholls | CEO of the London City Mission 2005-13, Board Member of the World Reformed Fellowship, Retired Minister of the Free Church of Scotland.
- "It is often acknowledged that the Westminster Confession of Faith has been one of the most influential vehicles that the church ever devised to shape the minds of countless believers, sanctify their imaginations and guide them safely to saving faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. This being so, it seems particularly appropriate in an age of rapid change where convictions move like shifting sand and truth is constantly challenged and deconstructed, to welcome an up-dated exposition of a significant statement of Christian truth in the light of present theological developments. Dr. Rowland Ward is a well-known theologian who is particularly conversant with Reformed theology and confessionalism. His revised version of The Westminster Confession of Faith: A Study Guide is a pleasing gift to all lovers of biblical truth who are looking for a fresh but familiar statement of the Christian faith in the midst of pressing theological challenges. Dr. Ward offers satisfying and helpful explanations of such important concepts as divine impassibility and freedom. He also carefully examines specific teachings like Molinism, Open Theism, Arminianism and Hypothetical Universalism, all of which are contributing to a growing sense of uncertainty in Christian communities. Therefore, I am glad to recommend this book as a timely and readable guide to those essential truths in the Westminster Confession of Faith that form the basis of vital Christian witness and experience."
- Peter Hastie | Principal, Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne, Victoria.