Too Small

“This is a short, serious, and substantial book—which I wish I had had when I first took on the new fundamentalist atheists!”

David Robertson | Author, The Dawkin Letters
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God is: Holy

“Jessica Scott has put together a wonderful children's book on God's holiness; through pictures, poems, and explanations (Beeke and Smalley), this children's book will be a blessing to every Christian family to be read with children, grandchildren, and gifted to many others that they may understand and worship the Lord. As a father of seven, and a pastor of a church full of young families, I warmly recommend this book to all.”

Darren Middleton | Pastor, North Geelong Presbyterian Church, North Geelong, Victoria, Australia
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The Sovereignty of God

“I highly commend this book. A. W. Pink’s The Sovereignty of God was the first book I read as a Christian. It assembles the Bible’s teaching about God’s control over all events. To define God’s sovereignty is to go a long way in defining God Himself. Such clear teaching is rare today. The additional chapters by Helm and Lee-Price enhance the value of this edition.”

Mark Dever | Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C., USA
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The Letter of Jude

“I recommend this highly for those who teach and preach in the church, as well as for any others who are willing to see the desperate decadence of our times (including, often, in churches) and the glory of God's call to repentance and godly living through the true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ whom Jude exalts, serves, and pungently proclaims.”

Dr. Robert W. Yarbrough | Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary, USA
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