The Departure from the Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture
Selected Endorsements:
- “What an honour to commend another book by my esteemed brother Elly Achok Olare. His books on the so-called altar call and also on preaching have been most readable, helpful, and valuable. Now he enriches us with this treasure trove treatise on the divine inspiration of Scripture. It is enlightening while at the same time it can be read devotionally. To hear him speak with that wonderfully warm, strong voice, is to know something of the extraordinary trials which he and his congregation have had to endure while preaching the cross of Christ and the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ! May it be widely read. May this book be merely the first fruit of edifying gospel literature from him and the Kenyan Christian pastors of his generation. Their determination is to preach the New Testament message in the New Testament's approved way. What nobler ambition can we have than that? May the book be used by the Spirit of God to help many Christians in not only Kenya but all over the world."
- Geoffrey Thomas | Retired Minister of Alfred Place Baptist Church in Aberystwyth, Wales and current Pastoral Assistant at Amyand Park Chapel, Twickenham.
- “This book provides the church with clarity and confidence in God’s written word: truth for our salvation, guidance for our lives and an anchor for our souls. Among so many false claims to divine truth in our world, Pastor Elly Achock Olare encourages us to return to the firm foundation of the Scriptures."
- Rev. Dr. Lionel Windsor | New Testament Lecturer, Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia
- "One of the most common phrases we hear from false teachers and master manipulators is, “God told me…” They use this tactic to control their followers and appear as though they have a greater degree of access to God than anyone else. Touting a supposed revelatory “anointing,” they exploit and abuse lost souls and weak believers who are not deeply rooted in the Scriptures. Thankfully, Elly Achok Olare has provided us with a priceless resource to combat this harmful deception. This book will equip you to stand firm on God’s word, and to hear God’s voice through the trusted pages of Scripture — the way Christians have for centuries. In these times of delusion, keep a resource like this close by."
- Costi Hinn | Executive Pastor of Discipleship, Redeemer Bible Church, Gilbert, Arizona
- "Africa has been plagued with the excesses of the Charismatic Movement to the detriment of the church for far too long. Of the damage done, none has crippled the church more than the attack on the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. In the volume you hold in your hand, Elly methodically takes apart teachings and practices that promote extra biblical revelation as being greater than or equal to the inspired Word. This is a book every African Christian should read. If the church in Africa were to respond to the call Elly gives us to return to a singular confidence in God’s Word, error in teaching and practice would lose their death grip on the church and the beauty of the gospel would shine brightly through us to the praise of His glory. Take up and read!"
- Kenneth Mbugua | Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Nairobi, Kenya and Council Member of The Gospel Coalition Africa.
- "Ministries which offer immediate personal words from God may seem spiritually exhilarating and comforting. In fact they are full of mischief. Contemporary claims to prophecy often distract God’s people from the gospel, undermine the authority of Scripture and open the door to spiritual abuse. Pastor Olare draws on his wide pastoral experience to offer a biblical critique of false claims to divine revelation. He calls us back to Scripture as God’s authoritative and sufficient word and points us to Christ as the full and final revelation of God. Olare’s experience in Africa is mirrored in many other parts of the world, and his warnings need to be heeded."
- Dr. John McClean | Vice Principal and Lecturer in Systematic Theology at Christ College, Sydney, Australia
- "God told Me… by Elly Achok Olare is a clear, candid, and convincing biblical defense of Sola Scriptura against the dangerous onslaught of modern mysticism. This is a great resource for anyone who may be confused by the epidemic of evangelicals claiming God has given them private messages. It’s a stirring summons back to the eternal authority and sufficiency of God’s more sure Word."
- Phil Johnson | Executive Director, Grace to You
"Much of what we see as apostasy and deception can be directly attributed to the sad fact of many deviating from the great doctrines of the authority, sufficiency and finality of the Scripture. Where such extra-Biblical revelations are esteemed, there you will find not only a low regard for Scripture, but equally a very disturbing lack of understanding of doctrine. It has been so over the centuries in Church History, and such is the case in these troubled times for the professing churches. If history has taught us one lesson, surely it is this: that a departure from the authority, sufficiency and finality of the Scripture launches us on a free fall towards apostasy; a slide against which there can be no defence. It seems to me that, at least, part of the remedy for our present situation will be by grasping a proper handle on what the Scripture teaches about itself in this respect."