A Short Introduction to the Westminster Assembly and Its Work (eBook: ePUB)


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What was the Westminster Assembly? Why was it important? What did they achieve?

With artful precision, Presbyterian Scholar, Rowland S. Ward (Co-author of Scripture and Worship with Richard A. Muller), not only firmly provides the answers to these questions, but entrenches the readers with a deeper appreciation of both the Assembly and its achievements.

“It is the hope that this little book will provide not only the theological student but also the intelligent layperson with a useful introduction to the Westminster Assembly and its work. My desire is to promote faithful and well-informed use of the confessional documents the Assembly produced.” – Rowland Ward

Selected Endorsements:

  • “This volume, reflecting the author’s careful study over many years of the Westminster Assembly, provides an excellent supplement to standard commentaries and other studies on the Confession and Catechisms. I commend it highly.”
    • Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. | Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
  • “Dr Ward has written a short and simple introduction to the Westminster Confession which will be welcomed by layperson and student alike for its clarity, force, and expert scholarship. It will do much to foster a sound understanding of the basic teaching of the Confession not only in its original historical and theological context, but also in its relevance for today. It is a really useful little book for those who want to grow in their understanding of the Reformed faith in general, and the theology of the Westminster Confession in particular.”
  • “Given the status of the Westminster Confession in Presbyterian circles, it is important that we have some idea of its origins and context. There are a number of scholarly works that provide such but these are often highly technical and expensive. Thus, it is great that Rowland Ward has provided the church with this fine, concise introduction to the Westminster Assembly. Clearly written and very accessible, Christians everywhere will benefit from Rev. Ward’s learning, lightly worn.”
    • Dr. Carl Trueman | Professor of Biblical & Religious Studies Lecturer at Grove City College, Pennsylvania

9 December, 2019

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