Ken Stebbins

Ken was found by Christ in his mid teens. He became active in his local church, where he met his future wife, Eileen; they were married in 1972. During his early career as an engineer, he was led to explore a call to ministry, and subsequently pursued theological studies; he was set apart to his first pastorate, in Wollangong, in 1975. During his time there he also lectured in theology. Subsequently he served as a missionary in western Kenya. After his return, he was called to a second pastorate in Brisbane, where he served for 26 years, also lecturing in preaching. He retired from full time ministry in 2015, but continues to minister and preach as the Lord enables him. Ken and Eileen have four children, and eight grandchildren. As well as preaching and sharing the gospel, he enjoys many outdoor and indoor activities - especially with Eileen or his family.

Books By Ken Stebbins