Why Atheists Can’t Know What They Say They Know
In Too Small, Craig Biehl tackles the claims of atheism with a blend of humour and penetrating insight, exposing the overconfidence of those who claim to disprove God. Biehl scrutinises their arguments, demonstrating that the finite human mind cannot fathom the infinite God. Through respectful yet incisive critique, he reveals the inconsistencies and blind faith inherent in atheistic assertions. This compelling book not only defends the Christian faith but also challenges readers to embrace intellectual humility and the grandeur of divine revelation.
Selected Endorsements:
- “This is a marvelous book. I have often thought, there must be a God: how else do you explain Bach’s Passacaglia or Brahms’ Requiem? Dr. Biehl’s refutations of atheism are air-tight. Despite the rumors, atheism is alive and well, especially in the West. This book hits atheism head on but with a carefully laid-out counter argument. Dr. Biehl exposes hidden assumptions and gift-wrapped evidence in order to highlight a biblical alternative. Not only, as the title declares, is atheism too small, but it is actually counterproductive. This book deserves a wide reading.”
- Dr. William Edgar | Professor Emeritus of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania, USA.
- “Having been involved in debating and discussing with atheists and agnostics for many years, there is one flaw in their argument which is so obvious that it is usually ignored. Not by Craig Biehl, who in this rather brilliant book points out why the grand presumption of atheism is false. The presumption that human beings have the ability to sit in judgement upon God is the great falsehood which Biehl exposes. It’s not the lack of evidence that is the problem—it’s a person’s inability to evaluate that evidence. Biehl then goes on to deal with the main arguments against (‘disproofs’) the existence of God—including philosophical, moral, and ‘biblical’ objections. This is a short, serious, and substantial book—which I wish I had had when I first took on the new fundamentalist atheists!”
- David Robertson | Author, The Dawkin Letters
- “Craig Biehl masterfully turns the table on atheists by attacking the very foundation of their belief system. Biehl doesn’t get sidetracked by answering all the objections of atheists. Neither does he seek to prove God’s existence based on accepting the presuppositions of atheists. Instead, Biehl pulls the rug from underneath atheists by exposing that they are in no position to claim that they know what they think they know.”
- Dr. Jeffrey D. Johnson | President, Grace Bible Theological Seminary, Arkansas, USA.